Monday, October 18, 2010

Democracy decentralized to Dirnkocrazy ?

Democracy has its own implication over decentralizing alcoholism. Kerala is renowned for its decisive share to boost up the excise revenue of the Kerala Government. During all festive seasons Keralites are competing geographically and provincially to break the alcoholic records. But quite unfortunately nowadays the Bar attached hotels are suffering from acute shortage in having their minimum market share. Almost all Bars in the cities are like graveyards with terrific silence. The Barmen and waiters are totally frustrated for not having enough inmates to cater them. The total revenue of these hotels has terribly come down @ 50% as it was earlier. With the coming of Panchayat elections, all political leaders have mobilized their army to the Panchayat and their primary and essential need of having daily alcohol dosage been ensured and catered in the Panchayat itself. Official sources states that the total revenue on sales at beverage corporation sales counters in Kerala  has been boosted up to eight fold during the two weeks prior to election. In the wider sense it is a kind of decentralizing the spirit of democracy to the Panchayat so as to rename democracy as the spirit of Drinkocrazy.

C.T. William     

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